cda datatypes nblock voc common

Element : CR (XML Type: CR )

Package : datatypes

XML Type : CR

Comments : A concept qualifier code with optionally named role. Both qualifier role and value codes must be defined by the coding system. For example, if SNOMED RT defines a concept "leg", a role relation "has-laterality", and another concept "left", the concept role relation allows to add the qualifier "has-laterality: left" to a primary code "leg" to construct the meaning "left leg".

Parent : ANY

Name Type cardinality Comment
Element : name
CV 0...1 Specifies the manner in which the concept role value contributes to the meaning of a code phrase. For example, if SNOMED RT defines a concept "leg", a role relation "has-laterality", and another concept "left", the concept role relation allows to add the qualifier "has-laterality: left" to a primary code "leg" to construct the meaning "left leg". In this example "has-laterality" is the
Element : value
CD 0...1 The concept that modifies the primary code of a code phrase through the role relation. For example, if SNOMED RT defines a concept "leg", a role relation "has-laterality", and another concept "left", the concept role relation allows adding the qualifier "has-laterality: left" to a primary code "leg" to construct the meaning "left leg". In this example "left" is the CR.value.
Attribute : inverted
Boolean 0...1 Indicates if the sense of the role name is inverted. This can be used in cases where the underlying code system defines inversion but does not provide reciprocal pairs of role names. By default, inverted is false.


  • (not self.value.oclIsUndefined()) or (not self.nullFlavor.oclIsUndefined())
  • CR is nullFlavor or value must be defined (from the schema of datatypes-base.xsd)

<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="CR">
            A concept qualifier code with optionally named role.
            Both qualifier role and value codes must be defined by
            the coding system.  For example, if SNOMED RT defines a
            concept "leg", a role relation "has-laterality", and
            another concept "left", the concept role relation allows
            to add the qualifier "has-laterality: left" to a primary
            code "leg" to construct the meaning "left leg".
<sch:pattern xmlns:sch="" name="validate CR">
<sch:rule abstract="true" id="rule-CR">
<sch:report test="(value or @nullFlavor) and not(@nullFlavor and node())">
                        A value component is required or else the
                        code role is NULL.
<xs:extension base="ANY">
<xs:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="name" type="CV">
                        Specifies the manner in which the concept role value
                        contributes to the meaning of a code phrase.  For
                        example, if SNOMED RT defines a concept "leg", a role
                        relation "has-laterality", and another concept "left",
                        the concept role relation allows to add the qualifier
                        "has-laterality: left" to a primary code "leg" to
                        construct the meaning "left leg".  In this example
                        "has-laterality" is the
<xs:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="value" type="CD">
                        The concept that modifies the primary code of a code
                        phrase through the role relation.  For example, if
                        SNOMED RT defines a concept "leg", a role relation
                        "has-laterality", and another concept "left", the
                        concept role relation allows adding the qualifier
                        "has-laterality: left" to a primary code "leg" to
                        construct the meaning "left leg".  In this example
                        "left" is the CR.value.
<xs:attribute default="false" name="inverted" type="bn" use="optional">
                     Indicates if the sense of the role name is inverted.
                     This can be used in cases where the underlying code
                     system defines inversion but does not provide reciprocal
                     pairs of role names. By default, inverted is false.