cda datatypes nblock voc common

Element : PN (XML Type: PN )

Package : datatypes

XML Type : PN

Comments : A name for a person. A sequence of name parts, such as given name or family name, prefix, suffix, etc. PN differs from EN because the qualifier type cannot include LS (Legal Status).

Parent : EN

There are no specific attributes for this element.


  • self.delimiter->forAll(enxp :EnDelimiter | enxp.qualifier->forAll(qual : String | not enxp.matches(qual, '^LS$')) ) and>forAll(enxp :EnFamily | enxp.qualifier->forAll(qual : String | not enxp.matches(qual, '^LS$')) ) and self.given->forAll(enxp :EnGiven | enxp.qualifier->forAll(qual : String | not enxp.matches(qual, '^LS$')) ) and self.prefix->forAll(enxp :EnPrefix | enxp.qualifier->forAll(qual : String | not enxp.matches(qual, '^LS$')) ) and self.suffix->forAll(enxp :EnSuffix | enxp.qualifier->forAll(qual : String | not enxp.matches(qual, '^LS$')) )
  • delimiter attributes must not contains LS as qualifier, as well as for family, given, prefix and suffix (from the documentation of the PN datatypes on the schema datatypes-base.xsd)

<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" mixed="true" name="PN">
            A name for a person. A sequence of name parts, such as
            given name or family name, prefix, suffix, etc. PN differs
            from EN because the qualifier type cannot include LS
            (Legal Status).
<xs:extension base="EN" />