cda datatypes nblock voc common

Element : Thumbnail (XML Type: thumbnail )

Package : datatypes

XML Type : thumbnail

Comments : A thumbnail is an abbreviated rendition of the full data. A thumbnail requires significantly fewer resources than the full data, while still maintaining some distinctive similarity with the full data. A thumbnail is typically used with by-reference encapsulated data. It allows a user to select data more efficiently before actually downloading through the reference.

Parent : ED

There are no specific attributes for this element.

There are no specific rules for this element.

<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" mixed="true" name="thumbnail">
                     A thumbnail is an abbreviated rendition of the full
                     data. A thumbnail requires significantly fewer
                     resources than the full data, while still maintaining
                     some distinctive similarity with the full data. A
                     thumbnail is typically used with by-reference
                     encapsulated data. It allows a user to select data
                     more efficiently before actually downloading through
                     the reference.
<xs:restriction base="ED">
<xs:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="reference" type="TEL" />
<xs:element maxOccurs="0" minOccurs="0" name="thumbnail" type="thumbnail" />